What Is IoT? Guide On The Internet Of Things

What Is IoT Introduction

WHAT IS IOT? It was the year 1999 when I got my first interaction with the internet. The internet at that time was slow a “56 kbps” dial-up. And you can only pray that a phone doesn’t ring up so your modem can’t get disconnected before you are connected to the internet.

Then was the era of mobile phones which has connected the world. To some extent but wait the world could not be called a global village then.

And then thanks to “Steve Jobs” for making the first touch smartphone “The iPhone”. That was day has come that we can call the world truly a global village. Luckily we “The millennial” are the generation who has seen all this advancement in front of their eyes. We have seen the world total transformed from a dial up connection to the smartphone era

But wait….

I have promised you I will tell you the simplest explanation of the internet of things or IoT. Instead, the story is getting longer. So, guys, let’s jump to our topic quickly

But before that how about you think what is smart or lets simply. Don’t think I will tell you what is smart as we humans have transformed from smart to dumb with the invention of smartphones.

So what is actually Smart?


How are you reading this post, maybe on your laptop/desktop or most probably on your smartphone or tablet? whichever device you are using it’s probably connected to the internet. That’s the whole idea being smart is a connection to “ the internet”.

The Internet can do wonders as it has done wonders with our most used device. Any smart device is probably smart. Because it’s connected to the internet and send, receive, process data, and make a decision upon that information.

Now we have understood what is smart so expand this concept to all our devices. Which we want should act smart e.g. our house lights or our AC, TV, fridge, CARs, etc.

The concept of the internet of things or simply IoT is that simple. Every device which can be connected to the internet will be smart. Because of the access to a huge chunk of data and then that device can send, receive, and make a decision in light of that data.

The Internet of Things (IoT) Explained Simply and Non-Technically

The point is that connecting thing to the internet yields many amazing benefits. We’ve all seen these benefits with our smartphones, laptops, and tablets, but this is true for everything else too. And yes, I do mean everything.

The Internet of Things is actually a pretty simple concept. It means taking all the things in the world and connecting them to the internet.

I think that confusion arises not because the concept is so narrow and tightly defined. But rather because it’s so broad and loosely defined. It can be hard to nail down the concept in your head. When there are so many examples and possibilities in IoT.

To help clarify, I think it’s important to understand the benefits of connecting things to the internet. Why would we even want to connect everything to the internet…

1. Collecting and Sending Information

This means sensors. Sensors could be temperature sensors, motion sensors, moisture sensors, air quality sensors, light sensors, you name it. These sensors, along with a connection, allow us to automatically collect information from the environment. Which, in turn, allows us to make more intelligent decisions.

On the farm, automatically getting information about the soil moisture can tell farmers exactly. When their crops need to be watered. Instead of watering too much. (Which can be an expensive over-use of irrigation systems and environmentally wasteful) or watering too little. (Which can be an expensive loss of crops). The farmer can ensure that crops get exactly the right amount of water. More money for farmers and more food for the world!

Just as our sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste allow us, humans. To make sense of the world, sensors allow machines to make sense of the world.

2. Receiving and Acting on Information

We’re all very familiar with machines getting information and then acting. Your printer receives a document and it prints it. Your car receives a signal from your car keys and the doors open. The examples are endless.

Whether it’s a simple as sending the command “turn on” or as complex as sending a 3D model to a 3D printer. We know that we can tell machines what to do from far away. So what?

The real power of the Internet of Things arises when things can do both of the above. Things that collect information and send it, but also receive information and act on it.

3. Doing Both

Let’s quickly go back to the farming example. The sensors can collect information about the soil moisture to tell the farmer how much to water the crops. But you don’t actually need the farmer. Instead, the irrigation system can automatically turn on as needed, based on how much moisture is in the soil.

You can take it a step further too. If the irrigation system receives information about the weather from its internet connection. It can also know when it’s going to rain and decide not to water the crops today. Because they’ll be watered by the rain anyway.

And it doesn’t stop there! All this information about the soil moisture, how much the irrigation system is watering the crops. And how well the crops actually grow can be collected and sent to supercomputers. That run amazing algorithms that can make sense of all this information.

And that’s just one kind of sensor. Add in other sensors like light, air quality, and temperature, and these algorithms can learn much much more. With dozens, hundreds, thousands of farms all collecting this information. These algorithms can create incredible insights into how to make crops grow the best. Helping to feed the world’s growing population.

Your Takeaway Definition of IoT

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things, or “IoT” for short, is about extending the power of the internet beyond computers and smartphones. To a whole range of other things, processes, and environments. Those “connected” things are used to gather information, send information back, or both.

Why does IoT matter?

IoT provides businesses and people better insight into and control over 99 percent of objects and environments. That remains beyond the reach of the internet. And by doing so, IoT allows businesses and people to be more connected to the world around them. And to do more meaningful, higher-level work.

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